
Why I'm leaving triple j...

It’s 1:54 am in the middle of an ABC studio. I just mixed what is very likely to be my last triple j review. 


I’ve been That. Movie. Guy for almost my entire adult life.

Sitting here alone tonight in an empty, cavernous public broadcaster feels somehow both anti-climatic and entirely appropriate.  In the last decade I’ve spent way, way too many nights like this at the ABC finishing off a review after a long week making The Feed,  Download This Show or Hungry Beast before them. So, sitting here for this Major Life Turning Point™  all by myself in the silent dead of night seems... about right. If I were producing this scene, it would need some nostalgic, swelling emotionally manipulative play-off music.

I’ve made roughly 734 reviews over 11 years. I’ve outlived 5 breakfast shows and the entire Twilight franchise. I think now is the time for someone new. 

And I'm pretty sure the next person will be 100% better than me. 

Because that person... is probably you. 

Right now, triple j is hunting for someone who will - I personally hope - rip up the sound and format that I created for myself. You should absolutely go apply. Be that person who decides the way we *should* be talking about movies and TV in 2017. Make it your own. Make it awesome. And, above all, make it better than this dickhead:

One thing you should know: triple j is not like other radio stations.

I will always remember my first exposure to triple j. It was a Hottest 100 party in 2001. I was hooked instantly. Adam and Will had a breakfast show that made being a nerd seem cool. Richard Kingsmill introduced me to my new favourite music but also gave me reasons to appreciate the music I hated. On Sunday nights before the school week, I was glued to Fenella Kernebone and Megan Spencer introducing me to new movies, arts and culture. I’d never experienced radio like that. It made me feel connected to a universe far bigger than my microscopically small community christian high school. It made me feel included. Even in the depths of shitty, shitty self-loathing adolescence, I could see a horizon.

triple j gave me that.

Sure, they played a bit more Jack Johnson than any of us would like to admit, but - look - everyone fucks up occasionally.

I still love film. I’ll still be bringing you the best cult movies on SBS VICELAND. I'm still going to be interviewing the most amazing people in film, music and writing on The Feed. I'm still very much part of the ABC with my other radio show Download This Show.  This week I'm also helping launch something really exciting with Junkee. And I've also helped launch a new not-for-profit called Media Diversity Australia.

But most importantly - I still want to talk with you about movies. I’ve always said that my triple j reviews were the beginning of a conversation that you guys get to finish. Right now, I’m thinking about what the next evolution of that might look like. I have some plans for something completely different and new. I'm also keen to hear what you want. So lemme know in the comments or shoot me a message on Facebook.

I walked into triple j when I was 20 and the fact that they haven't fired me in the last decade has been both an absolute shock and probably a testament to how cheap I am to employ.

It may have only been a little 2-minute piece of radio that I made but I still count myself so lucky. So lucky that I found triple j when I did as a teenager. So lucky to broadcast to the best audience in Australia. Ask anyone: there's no group quite like triple j listeners. You are an engaged, passionate, weirdly-Tool obsessed cohort of sexy motherfuckers and I can't wait to hear which one of you takes over from me. 

But right now - It’s 2:05am and I’m driving home from making my last ever triple j review. The good news is that I found the 2001 Hottest 100 on Spotify and thanks to the number 1 song I finally have...

Thank you triple j.

Thank you for the horizon.